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Wrkflow Library


Get Firmographic Information for any Company with Automated Company Enrichment

Get firmographic data like number of clients, employee count, and annual revenues for any company.
Google Gmail

Discover Local Business Prospects Using Google Maps

Get a list of local businesses that match your ideal customer profile and their contact information.
Google Maps
Google Sheets

Apollo: Generate 50 Leads, Export to Google Sheet (Your own Account)

Efficient lead generation sent to Google Sheets using your Apollo API key at just $0.02/lead.
Google Drive

Apollo: Generate 50 Leads, Export to Google Sheet (No Account needed)

Generate up to 50 contact leads from Apollo with this Wrkflow and export them to a Google sheet.
Google Drive

Data Enrichment: Enrich Contact List in Google Sheets & Email to Inbox

Auto-enrich contacts with key details and send a Google Sheet of insights directly to your inbox.
Google Drive
Google Sheets

Get Direct Contact Information for Leads with Automated Lead Enrichment - Bulk

Auto-enrich contacts with key details and send a Google Sheet of insights directly to your inbox.
Google Drive
Google Sheets

Website Data Crawler

Effortlessly gather comprehensive company data. Our Website Data Crawler retrieves contact email, p
Google Drive
Website Automation

LinkedIn: Automated Personal Messaging

Automate LinkedIn messaging with personalized content and Google Sheet tracking
Google Drive
Google Sheets
Website Automation

Search Job Postings on Indeed and Extract Company and Domain

Efficiently gather job market insights. Our automation searches job postings on Indeed, extracting
Google Sheets
Website Automation