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Wrkflow Library


Get Direct Contact Information for Leads with Automated Lead Enrichment

Emails, phone numbers, firmographic and demographic data for each contact.
Google Gmail

Get Firmographic Information for any Company with Automated Company Enrichment

Get firmographic data like number of clients, employee count, and annual revenues for any company.
Google Gmail

Discover Untapped Sales Opportunities with Real-Time Press Release Monitoring

Get a list of prospective buyers sourced from press releases.
Google Drive
Google Sheets

Discover Local Business Prospects Using Google Maps

Get a list of local businesses that match your ideal customer profile and their contact information.
Google Maps
Google Sheets

Automate Company Department and Headcount Analysis

Get employee counts per department for any company.
Google Drive
Google Gmail
Google Sheets

Create an Info Deck on a Company Using Crunchbase

Get up-to-date business data, such as investment and funding information, and have it sent to your
Google Drive
Google Gmail
Google Slides

HubSpot: Email Address Validation with Note (by Company)

Effortless CRM Enhancement: Validate contact emails associated with a specific company and add note

Crunchbase: Retrieve Company's Latest Articles with for Sales Intel

Leverage Crunchbase for up-to-date sales intel. Harness latest news to boost business insights.
Google Gmail

Google Meet: Automated Meeting Notes from Transcriptions

Turn Google Meet transcripts into organized notes. Automate follow-ups to boost client relationship
Google Calendar
Google Docs
Google Drive
Google Gmail

Google Meet + HubSpot: Log Recorded Meeting Transcripts in CRM

Automate CRM: Skip manual entry and log Google Meet transcripts to HubSpot for up-to-date data.
Google Calendar
Google Docs
Google Drive
Google Gmail

HubSpot: Enrich Single Contact Email & Sync to CRM

Auto-enrich a contact email with detailed data from external sources and add it to HubSpot
Google Gmail

ChatGPT + Google Slides: Streamline meeting prep with AI-driven sales talking points

Streamline sales meeting prep with AI-driven talking points and formatted on a Google Slide
Google Drive
Google Gmail
Google Slides